You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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{ config, lib, ... }@inputs:
let wnlib = import ./lib.nix {inherit lib;}; in
with wnlib;
with lib;
cfg = config.wirenix;
parsers = defaultParsers // cfg.additionalParsers;
configurers = defaultConfigurers // cfg.additionalConfigurers;
availableKeyProviders = defaultKeyProviders // cfg.additionalKeyProviders;
acl = cfg.aclConfig;
parser = parsers."${acl.version}" inputs;
configurer = (getAttr cfg.configurer configurers) (inputs//{devNameMethod = cfg.devNameMethod;}); #config.wirenix.configurer inputs;
keyProviders = map (providerName: getAttr providerName availableKeyProviders) cfg.keyProviders; # config.wirenix.keyProviders;
mkMergeTopLevel = names: attrs: getAttrs names (
mapAttrs (k: v: mkMerge v) (foldAttrs (n: a: [n] ++ a) [] attrs)
* We can merge if we want to
* We can leave your friends behind
* 'Cause your friends don't merge and if they don't merge
* Well they're, no friends of mine.
safetyMerge = possibleTopLevelKeys: attrs:
(mkMergeTopLevel possibleTopLevelKeys ((singleton (genAttrs possibleTopLevelKeys (name: {})))++attrs));
options = {
age = {};
sops = {};
wirenix = {
enable = mkEnableOption "wirenix";
peerName = mkOption {
default =;
defaultText = literalExpression "";
example = "bernd";
type = with types; str;
description = mdDoc ''
Name of the peer using this module, to match the name in
peerNames = mkOption {
default = null;
example = [ "container1" "container2" ];
type = with types; nullOr (listOf str);
description = mdDoc ''
When one host needs multiple devs for the same subnet, specify
multiple names manually. Overrides peerName.
configurer = mkOption {
default = "static";
type = types.str;
description = mdDoc ''
Configurer to use. Builtin values can be
"static" or "networkd". Or, you can put
your own configurer that you registered in
`additionalConfigurers` here.
keyProviders = mkOption {
default = ["acl"];
type = with types; listOf str;
description = mdDoc ''
List of key providers. Key providers will be queried in order.
Builtin providers are `wirenix.lib.defaultKeyProviders.acl`
and `wirenix.lib.defaultKeyProviders.agenix-rekey`. The latter
requires the agenix-rekey flake.
additionalKeyProviders = mkOption {
default = {};
type = with types; unspecified;
description = mdDoc ''
Additional key providers to load, with their names being used to select them in the
`keyProviders` option
additionalParsers = mkOption {
default = {};
type = with types; unspecified;
description = mdDoc ''
Additional parsers to load, with their names being used to compare to the acl's
"version" field.
additionalConfigurers = mkOption {
default = {};
type = with types; unspecified;
description = mdDoc ''
Additional configurers to load, with their names being used to select them in the
`configurer` option.
aclConfig = mkOption {
type = types.attrs;
description = ''
Shared configuration file that describes all clients
secretsDir = mkOption {
default = null;
type = with types; nullOr path;
description = mdDoc ''
If using a secrets manager, where you have wirenix secrets stored. Must be
the same on all peers that need to connect to eachother
devNameMethod = mkOption {
default = "short";
type = with types; strMatching "hash|long|short";
description = mdDoc ''
The method used to derive device names. Device names are limited to 15 characters,
but often times subnet names will exceed that. "hash" is the most reliable, and
will always create a name unique to the subnet and peer combination. "long" will
return the entire subnet, and "short" will return the beginning of the subnet up
until the first "." character.
# --------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Due to merge weirdness, I have to define what configuration keys
# we're touching upfront, and make sure they exist
config =
mkIf cfg.enable (safetyMerge ["networking" "sops" "age" "systemd" "services" "environment"] (
if builtins.typeOf cfg.peerNames == "null" then (
[(configurer keyProviders (parser acl) cfg.peerName)]
else (
warnIf (cfg.devNameMethod != "hash") "Wirenix: Using multiple peerNames for devNameMethod = \"${cfg.devNameMethod}\" can (will) cause device name collisions. Please use devNameMethod = \"hash\" instead" (
warnIf (cfg.configurer == "static") "Wirenix: static configurer not supported with multiple peerNames. Please use networkd or networkd-dev-only instead." (
(map (name: (configurer keyProviders (parser acl) name)) cfg.peerNames)