You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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{lib, ...}@inputs: keyProviders: intermediateConfig: peerName:
with lib.trivial;
with lib.attrsets;
with lib.lists;
with lib;
with builtins;
with import ../lib.nix;
thisPeer = intermediateConfig.peers."${peerName}";
# these aren't really important, I just wanted to reverse the argument order
forEachAttr' = flip mapAttrs';
forEachAttrToList = flip mapAttrsToList;
keyProvidersInit = map (x: x inputs intermediateConfig peerName) keyProviders;
getPeerPubKey = otherPeerName: findFirst (x: x != null) (throw "Wirenix: Could not find public key for " + otherPeerName)
(map (provider: provider.getPeerPubKey otherPeerName) keyProvidersInit);
getPrivKeyFile = getPrivKeyFile (x: x != null) (throw "Wirenix: Could not find private key file for " + peerName)
(map (provider: provider.getPrivKeyFile) keyProvidersInit);
getPubKey = findFirst (x: x != null) (throw "Wirenix: Could not find public key for " + peerName)
(map (provider: provider.getPubKey) keyProvidersInit);
getSubnetPSKFile = subnetName: findFirst (x: x != null) (null)
(map (provider: provider.getSubnetPSKFile subnetName) keyProvidersInit);
networking.wireguard = {
interfaces = forEachAttr' thisPeer.subnetConnections (subnetName: subnetConnection: { name = "wn-${subnetName}";
value = {
ips = subnetConnection.ipAddresses;
listenPort = subnetConnection.listenPort;
privateKeyFile = getPrivKeyFile;
peers = forEachAttrToList subnetConnection.peerConnections (otherPeerName: peerConnection:
name = otherPeerName;
publicKey = getPeerPubKey otherPeerName;
presharedKeyFile = getSubnetPSKFile subnetName;
allowedIPs = peerConnection.ipAddresses;
endpoint = "${peerConnection.endpoint.ip}:${builtins.toString peerConnection.endpoint.port}";
// (mergeIf peerConnection.endpoint "persistentKeepalive")
// (mergeIf peerConnection.endpoint "dynamicEndpointRefreshSeconds")
// (mergeIf peerConnection.endpoint "dynamicEndpointRefreshRestartSeconds")